Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Technology And Meditation

Meditate Instantly WithHolosync Audio Technology

This comprehensive program, now used by over 160,000 people in 172 countries, is centered around this remarkable Holosync audio technology. Bill Harris, the founder of the program describes it best. He says that stimulating your brain with Holosync Audio Meditation Technology will... * Safely and effortlessly take you to states of profoundly deep (and extremely pleasurable) meditation… * Stimulate the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a high-performance state scientists call "whole brain functioning"… * Dramatically improve your learning ability, memory, intuition, creativity, and your ability to focus, concentrate and think more clearly… * Create true quantum leaps in your personal self awareness… * Significantly lower your stress levels and lower your levels of harmful brain chemicals related to stress… * Create remarkable improvements in your mental and emotional health—even in areas that have stubbornly resisted change with other approaches… * Dramatically increase your production of vital (and very pleasurable) brain chemicals related to your longevity, well-being, and quality of life… The Holosync Audio Meditation Technology program will accelerate your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth in ways that will absolutely amaze you. Request a free CD to sample this meditation

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bought this thing after i got an idea from your blog